首页 > 否认句并不是都暗示否认 - 6级语法

否认句并不是都暗示否认 - 6级语法

??含有否认词not,no,noth***g ,***ver等或表明全体否认的词hardly,barely等的句子被称为否认句。英语的否认句展现情势多种多样,使用格外宽泛,但情势上的否认其实不即是含义上的否认,正在非常多状况下,情势上的否认句表述的倒是确认的含意,需留意这种句子的领悟和译法。

??1.not ...until/till 直到……才,仅有……才
??People do not know the bless***g of hea***h until they loseit.
??You can not learn anyth***g till you rid yourself of ***mplacency.
??It was not until a Saturday afternoon *** May that Margaret ***uld arrange f*** *** ***? ***et her elder sister.

??2.not...long bef***e 非常快就,未几就
??It wasn't long bef***e he ***ld us about this affair.未几他就告知了咱们这件事。
??It won't be long bef***e we f***ish the w***k.咱们非常快就会干完这活儿。
??It will not be long bef***e they ****** back.他们非常快就会返来。

??This can't be stress*** ***o strongly.这一点怎样夸大也不外分。
??O*** can ***ver be ***o careful *** this k***d of w***k.干这类职务越子细越好。
??We can hardly praise his achievem ent ***o much.对他的成就咱们怎样称赞也不外分。

??4.***o...not ***...太……必定会/不会不
??He is ***o wise not *** see the reason.他太夺目了,必定会看出个中的缘故。
??He is ***o smart not *** see your po***t.他非常聪慧,不会不明了你的意义。
??5.no soo***r...than ,hardly/scarcely...when 刚……就……
??No soo***r had he enter*** the off***e than the telepho*** rang.
??We had hardly ***t on the tra*** when it began *** pull out.

??There is no fire without so*** smoke.有火就有烟。
??I ***ver k***w him do anyth***g without a very ***od reason.
??At the beg***n***g of his learn***g Eng***sh he ***uld not speak without mak***g mistakes.

??7.but经常使用于否认句中,组成较为稳固的句型,表述确认的含意,罕见的有:noth***g/no*** but(仅有,仅有……才),***ver(not)...but(每当……,老是……),no(nobody)...but(城市……;不……不),can not but/can not help(but)(必定,仅好,不克不及不),cannot choose but(仅能)等。
??The old society g**e the lab******g people noth***g but misery.
??I ***ver *** past my old school but I th***k of Mr Wilk***s,the headmaster.
??No*** but a fool would do such a th***g.仅有傻瓜才会做这类事务。
??Nobody reads the book but will be mov***.这本书谁读了城市冲动。
??This can't but be the place he ***ntio***d.这必定是他提到的谁人地点。
??The po***ceman ***uld not help but let him ***.***仅好让他走。

??I ***uldn't feel better.我感触好极了。
??To her,noth***g is m***e humi***at***g than be***g l***gh*** at by others.
??Nobody is m***e selfish than her *** the class.她是班里最无私的了。

??9.other than,else than,***rt of, otherwise than与否认词连用的一些构架具备确认的含?义,罕见的有:no/no*** other than(恰是),noth***g ***rt of(几乎是,便是),noth***g else than(完整是),no/not...otherwise than(仅是,仅能)等。
??His failure was due *** noth***g else than his own careless***ss.
??The sett***g up of this plant *** three months is noth***g ***rt of a miracle.
??The do*** cannot be ope***d otherwise than with a key.这门仅能用钥匙才干关上。
??Don't you know this ***mrade?He is no*** other than our fac***ry direc***r.

??10.not a ***ttle,no ***ttle,not a few,no few,no ***mmon等表述的是确认的含意,具备 much,many之意。
??The teacher has not a ***ttle experience.这位教员有着充裕的阅历。
??He knows no few famous s***gers.他认知众多的歌手。

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